It's a way to play MP 'by yourself' but you don't have to. A big boss around here once called it 'Single Player Online.' That doesn't make sense and hurts the brains of MP people, but will make sense to SP people. It's a simulation of playing online against real players.
To the extent possible and practical, we start you off at level 1 and you unlock features and earn cP (the currency) along the way. Combat Training is for someone who wants to get a taste of what it is like to play online without actually needing to play online against real opponents. You can be level 40 in Combat Training and level 10 in the regular game at the same time. This rank progression is completely independent of the normal rank progression. When in Combat Training, you start at level 1 and progress through the ranks. It doesn't support Contracts or Leaderboards but it does support (many) Challenges and most of the unlocks. It is very similar, but not identical, to the normal rank progression. You need a profile on PSN/Xbox Live to use it. If anyone here was all hyped for Campaign Training because you can finally have a full multiplayer experience offline, it turns out that's not quite how things are going to work.